Solution Spotlight: NIST 800-171 Preparation
For clients seeking government contracts, achieving NIST 800-171 compliance is essential. However, navigating the path to compliance can be daunting, especially for those new to government regulations.
Solution Spotlight: Post Cloud Platform Health Assessment Implementation
Hightower seamlessly adapts to your project pipeline based on your specific requirements. Whether you're an organization without a dedicated technical team, an individual seeking support, or a mid-sized entity working with a managed service provider, we have the flexibility to assist where necessary.
Solution Spotlight: Okta Fastpass
Leveraging the Fastpass configuration, businesses can seamlessly implement diverse security initiatives within their identity provider.
Solution Spotlight: Microsoft Intune Autopilot
The capacity to swiftly deploy and refresh in an automated, unattended manner enables organizations to reallocate resources efficiently, enhancing their ability to meet the support and project requirements of the organization.